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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dumb bimbo rants......

Most of the time, if you have nothing good to say...i believe it would always be better to shut up or keep the thoughts to yourself. However, this is not the case for a UCLA student aka the dumb bimbo blonde of an abomination known as alexander wallace. She had to open her not so smart mouth and had the audacity to post her racist rant video on youtube. People know in this day and age, you do not piss off the asian population which accounts for 60% of the world's spit from every asian in the world is enough to drown a person a thousand times over...Too bad for Alexander, she didn't know better and had to post this video that gives a whole new meaning to racism....she will insult your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents and even your 祖宗十八代 if given the chance. Words do not have the power to describe how insulted i felt as an asian after watching the it yourself.....

Dumb twat....wad in the world is she doing in the library anyways....studying non the less.....and she even used the word 'epiphany' which i doubt she even knows the meaning off.....Anyways, she got wad she deserved and is an EX-UCLA student now....and i bet she has to move somewhere deserted, change her name and have plastic surgery done to avoid the wrath of the entire asian population. Cheers and good luck to that.

And once again it goes to show that do not ever pick a fight with us asians....we have strength in numbers....and we are very creative too....take this guy for example.....

I just love this song.....quirky, funny and has a catchy melody to boot....thumbs way way up for Jimmy wong...proud to have you looking out for us asians!


Vicky Ng said...

haha... i really like that song also...

bakpoh said...

very funny and creative...really talented fellow....his other songs not bad also...

ChoonShih said...

This guy is even better, I want to emulate his 'success'...:P