Things are so much more complicated nowadays.....true happiness always seems just out of reach...nothing is as simple and innocent as it was in the past.
People say one thing and they mean another....they hide behind their smiling facades never showing their true colors. Every single action you do will be judged...what gives them the right to judge me anyways???...i will be judged when the time comes....but not by you.....
Life is too short to waste it trying to please all the people around me...i shall live it as i see fit and i shall charge forward head on! Some may see it as immature but i dun wan to live a life full of regrets and what could have beens....that is a miserable existence....So if i happen to piss anybody off while living my life....sorry....and F*ck you very much! Screw all the haters out there.....
i once posted this in my gtalk status: 小时候,幸福是很简单的事,长大后,简单是很幸福的事。Cheers to a better, happier, grown up life!
better and happier? i do hope thing i can be sure of, it will be dat much more complicated...
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